Earth's Surface Shaped by Genesis Flood Runoff
Volume I: Tectonics and Erosion
Michael J. Oard
Part I - Perplexing Problems in Geomorphology
- The two paradigms of mainstream geology
- Mysteries of geomorphology
- What is geomorphology (in-depth section)
- Many ideas, no reasonable solutions
- Geomorphologists have given up trying to explain landforms
- The problem is the paradigms
- Landforms formed by water
- The call for an outrageous hypothesis
- The biblical geological model
- The two phases of the Retreating Stage
- The Flood was similar to a flash flood
- The Floodwater eroded and shaped the Earth's surface
Part II - Catastrophic Tectonics
- The testimony of Psalm 104:6-9
- Psalm 104:6-9 must refer to the Flood
- The Flood was global
- The meaning of Psalm 104:8
- The covering of Mount Everest "challenge"-answered
- Differential vertical tectonics ubiquitous on the continents
- Small-scale tectonics on the ocean bottom
- The timing of differential vertical tectonics
- Geological column and timescale (in-depth section)
- Enormous uplift and subsidence over Wyoming
- The Beartooth Mountains rose while the Bighorn Basin sank
- Uplift was fast
- Differential vertical tectonics late in the Flood
- The maximum is 45,000 feet
- How the Bighorn Basin filled with sediments (in depth section)
- The continents uplifted out of the Floodwater
- The ocean basins sank
- Huge differential vertical tectonics continental margins
- Guyots indicate oceanic subsidence far from land
- Seamounts and guyots (in-depth section)
Part III - Catastrophic Erosion of the Continents
- Huge erosion Colorado Plateau
- Erosion from other areas of western North America
- Possibly 20,000 feet of erosion Appalachians
- A few erosion estimates from other continents
- Summary
- Methods for estimating the amount of erosion (in-depth section)
- Erosional remnants
- Devils Tower
- The origin of Devils Tower
- Plains erosion believed much more than 1,000 feet
- The changing story of High Plains erosion
- All of North America can be leveled to sea level in less than 50 million years
- Why should Devils Tower remain standing for millions of years
- The Flood explanation
- Tall erosional remnants abound United States
- Monument Valley and vicinity
- The Grand Canyon area
- Rapid erosion over the Grand Canyon area (in-depth section)
- Natural bridges
- Rock arches
- Assumed uniformitarian origin not observed
- Small natural bridges can form after the Flood
- A late Flood mechanism for large natural bridges and arches
- General features of coastal Great Escarpments
- Uniformitarian difficulties
- Great Escarpments formed during retreating Floodwater
- Uniformitarian origin hypotheses of coastal Great Escarpments (in-depth section)
- Gradual retreat of the escarpment hypothesis
- The downwearing hypothesis
- Slope retreat model more likely
- The coastal Great Escarpment of southern Africa
- Southeast Africa bowed upward
- Too much erosion for the uniformitarian timescale
- The coastal Great Escarpment formed by Flood runoff
Part IV - Quartzite Rocks Transported Long Distances Northwest States and Adjacent Canada
- The Belt-Purcell rocks
- Bedded quartzite mostly from the western Rocky Mountains
- Quartzites spread east, southeast, and west
- What is quartzite? (in depth section)
- Location of quartzite gravel High Plains east of Rocky Mountains
- Cypress Hills quartzite gravel
- Flaxville quartzite gravel
- The Wood Mountain Plateau gravel
- Quartzites common at lower elevations
- The quartzites transport from the southwest
- Transport up to 800 miles from west of the continental divide
- Non cypflax gravels (in-depth section)
- Long distance river transport and relief inversion fails
- River transport does not work
- Problems with relief inversion
- Braidplain/tectonic boost idea-a desperate hypothesis
- Such a "braidplain" should have incorporated abundant High Plains rocks
- Uplifting mountains cannot provide a boost
- The quartzite source in the eastern Rocky Mountains is low grade
- Summary
- Two distinct types of gravel
- Valley locations for quartzite gravels
- Quartzite gravel on top of the Gravelly Mountains
- Thick quartzites in deep paleovalleys
- The proliferation of names [boxed]
- Quartzite gravel lag
- Quartzites on top of the northern Teton Mountains
- Quartzites piled 11,000 feet thick northeast of Jackson
- Quartzites elsewhere
- Local sources easily eliminated
- No evidence for tectonic uplift to the west
- Thrust sheet transport does not work
- Does river transport work?
- Quartzite must be transported 400 miles southeast
- The paleoriver transport hypothesis
- Why didn't the paleorivers incorporate limestone gravel?
- Lack of a river transport mechanism
- Summary
- Central Oregon
- Northeast Oregon
- The Columbia River Valley from The Dallas to the Pacific Ocean
- Quartzite gravel near The Dallas
- Quartzite gravel west of Hood River
- Quartzite gravel Portland area
- Quartzite gravel west of Portland
- Southeast Washington and Hells Canyon
- Quartzite gravel extreme southeast Washington and Hells Canyon
- Quartzite gravel along the Snake River
- South-central Washington
- Numerous locations on the Horse Heaven Hills
- Quartzite gravel on the other lava ridges
- Other locations
- The amazing quartzites in the Puget Sound area
- Isolated quartzites northeast Washington
- The "ancestral Columbia River"
- Allen's Torrential Paleoriver
- Implications
- The big picture
- Flood runoff seems like the only possibility
- The mountains rise and the valleys sink
- The eastward shift of the "continental divide"
Part V - Resistant Rocks Transported from Other Mountains
- Moderate transport distance
- Tremendous erosion of central and southern Arizona
- Uniformitarian difficulties
- Genesis Flood solution
- What is Rim Gravel? (in-depth section)
- Deep western valleys of the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Valleys north of Yosemite partly filled with auriferous gravel
- Possible channelized flow from Nevada
- Gravel laid down in torrential flows
- Powerful late Flood channelized currents explain the geomorphology
- Ogallala Gravel on central and southern High Plains
- Huge extent
- 500 miles of transport Texas
- Uniformitarian conundrum
- Consistent with flood deposition and erosion
- The Lafayette Gravel spread west of the Appalachians
- Gravel east of the Appalachians
- Gravel south of the Appalachians
- Uniformitarian conundrums
- Flood explanation
- Checkered history of the Lafayette Gravel (in-depth section)
- The Alaska Range
- The Nenana Gravel Spread north of the Alaska Range
- The uniformitarian wild guess
- Gravel pattern south of the Himalayas
- Gravel north of the Tibetan Plateau
- Gravel shed from the Tian Shan Mountains
- Gravel shed from the Zagros Mountains
- Gravel in the western Sichuan Basin
- Implications
- Further implication for the Flood/post-Flood boundary
Part VI - Catastrophic Deposition along the Continental Margin
- The flat continental shelf and the drop off of the continental slope
- Continental shelf
- Continental slope
- Continental rise
- Subsurface sedimentary rocks
- Margin basalt flows
- Seaward dipping faults common - even on Pacific-type margins
- The continental margin - a mysterious geomorphic feature
- Why is the margin mysterious?
- Continental margins mostly formed before submarine canyons
- The Genesis Flood formed the continental margin
- A Lake Missoula flood analog
- The Flood ended everywhere by Day 371
- Sea level higher at the end of the Flood than today (in-depth section)
- Uniformitarian scientists do not know
- A few possible creationist mechanisms
- Variable uplift caused by restoring forces after Flood impacts
- Origin of guyots unknown
- Not all guyots eroded at sea level
- Tall guyots most likely flattened at or near sea level
- Why have guyots subsided?
- Problem of the carbonate cap not being a drowned reef
- Guyot formation late in the Flood
- Surprisingly thick carbonate cap on Eniwetok Island-a difficulty
- Thick carbonate cap also discovered on guyots
- Flood model explanation
- The carbonate cap is not reefal material
- Could the carbonate-capped guyots and atolls represent a broken up plateau?
- A Flood hypothesis
- An alternative post-Flood solution
- General geomorphology of the Appalachians
- Amount of erosion based on offshore sediments
- The coastal Great Escarpment of Eastern Australia
- Great Escarpments of peninsular India
- The Great Escarpment of eastern Brazil
- The Blue Ridge Escarpment
- Predominantly quartzite gravel from the Rocky Mountains
- Relationship to the Swift Current Plateau to the northeast
- Uniformitarian ice age scheme does not work
- The mystery of the erratic boulders in the driftless area
- The top of the Cypress Hills gravel becomes younger
- The bottom of the cypress Hills gravel becomes older
- All the gravels identical
- Velocity derived from deformation structures
- Velocity derived from the Cypress Hills gravel
- Two main types of mass flow
- In-between types
- Mass flow associated with quartzite rock transport
- The Thorp gravel
- Gravel terrace south of the Clackamas River, northwest Oregon
- Very late Flood origin of the gravels
- Gravel on the Hualapai Indian Reservation
- Rim gravel on the east-central Mogollon Rim
- Paleoslope estimates
- Bedload transport hypothesis
Earth's Surface Shaped by Genesis Flood Runoff
Volume II: Planation Surfaces and Inselbergs
Part VII - The Puzzle of Planation Surfaces
- The difference between and erosion and planation surface
- Planation surfaces erode by water
- Planation surface complications
- Planation surfaces easy to recognize
- Paleosols and weathered surfaces inadequate
- Accordant summits uncertain
- Beveled surfaces are planation surfaces
- Planation surfaces on horizontal strata
- Planation surfaces on soft rocks very young
- Modification of planation surfaces
- Topographic locations of planation surfaces
- Planation surfaces sometimes on flat bottomed valleys
- Erosion surfaces can even be along hills
- Pediments easily observed
- Mountaintop planation surfaces
- Plains and plateau planation surfaces
- "Old" pediments
- Super "old" planation surfaces
- Uniformitarians apparently forced to accept the great ages
- Fishing for preserving mechanisms
- Powerful, objective evidence against old dates
Part VIII - North American Planation Surfaces
- Four planation surfaces at different altitudes
- The Cypress Hills planation surface
- The cypress Hills planation surface once much larger
- The Flaxville plateaus
- Flaxville erosional remnants elsewhere
- The Wood Mountain Plateau
- The Flaxville/Wood Mountain driftless area
- Alden's benches number 2 and 3
- Planation surfaces carved during the Retreating Stage of the Flood
- Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Rocky Mountains
- Beartooth Mountains
- Absaroka Mountains
- Wind River Mountains
- Idaho batholith
- Front Range of the Colorado Rockies
- Other Rocky Mountain ranges
- What does it mean?
- High Plains of North America
- Ozark Plateau
- Osage Plain
- The Piedmont planation surface
- Are the ridges in the Valley and Ridge Province a planation surface?
- Planation surfaces west of the Valley and Ridge Province
- The huge Canadian Shield exhumed planation surface
- Western Canada and Alaska
- Northern Canada
- Southeastern Canada
Part IX - A Survey of Planation Surfaces on Other Continents
- Lester King's analysis of multiple planation surfaces
- New analysis says only one!
- Planation surfaces capped by duricrusts
- Eastern Australia
- The Nullarbor Plain
- Western Australia
- The beveled ridges of isolated mountain ranges
- Planation surface around Ayers rock
- The Andes Mountains
- The Guayana Shield north of the Amazon River
- Planation surface south of the Amazon River
- The character of the planation surfaces
- Southeast England
- Wales
- Scotland
- Ireland
- Norway
- Sweden and Finland
- France
- Spain
- Corsica and Sardinia
- Germany
- The Alps
- Italy
- The Russian platform
- The Carpathian Mountains
- Poland/The Czech Republic
- The Balkan Peninsula
- The Caucasus Mountains
- Turkey and around the Black Sea
- Asia
- Antarctica
- Greenland
- New Zealand
Part X - All Uniformitarian Hypotheses Fail
- Davis' lucky break
- Davis applied evolution to landforms
- The hypothesis rejected
- Hypothesis believed mainly because of social variables
- The weathering hypothesis
- Weathering does not form planation surfaces
- Many more difficulties
Part XI - The Dilemma of Inselbergs
- Different types of inselbergs
- Impressive inselbergs
- The City of Rocks south-central Idaho
- Unusually high tower karst
- Tower karst mostly found in the tropics
- Origin of tower karst a mystery
- Inselbergs
- Some weather fast today
- Their "ages" a major mystery
- Tower karst
- Inselbergs not necessarily harder with fewer cracks
- Two flawed hypotheses
- King's hypothesis
- The weathering hypothesis
Part XII - Planation Surfaces and Inselbergs Carved by the Flood
- Planation surfaces formed by a large-scale flow of water
- Sheet flow plans the land
- High plains planation northern Montana and adjacent Canada
- Erosion surfaces formed central Montana
- Planation and erosion surfaces sheared worldwide
- Planation surfaces deformed and eroded
- Duricrusts form on some planation surfaces
- Planation surfaces young-uniformitarian dates greatly exaggerated
- What variables cause inselbergs?
- A possible mechanism for the formation of tower karst
- What caused flared slopes and tafoni on some inselbergs
- Flared slopes formed by water during the Ice Age
- Exfoliation erosion implies young bornhardts
- Lake Missoula flood examples
- Some inselbergs orientated
- Summary
- Depositional surfaces
- Terminology problems
- Exhumed planation surfaces
- "Very old" planation surfaces
- Uniformitarianism severely challenged
- "Old" landforms dated by radiometric methods
- Cosmogenic radioisotopes reinforce little erosion of landforms
- Wild Mountain upland planation surface
- The Gilbert Peak erosion surface
- Marine planation
- Walther Penck's anti-Davis reaction
- The hypothesis
- Problems with the hypothesis
- Lester King's parallel retreat of slopes
- The hypothesis
- Problems with the hypothesis
- Hack's dynamic equilibrium hypothesis
- The hypothesis
- Problems with the hypothesis
- Crickmay's lateral planation and unequal erosion hypotheses
- The hypotheses
- Problems with the Hypotheses
Earth's Surface Shaped by Genesis Flood Runoff
Volume III: Channelized Flow Landforms
Part XIII-Rapid Channelized Erosion
- The great debate over the origin of valleys
- But some valleys modified by ice
- Rapid excavation of valleys
- Strath terraces
- Vertical walled valleys young
- Post-Flood carving of vertical walled canyons
- U-shaped valleys transform into V-shape with time
- "Old" U-shaped valleys catastrophically carved and young
- Late Flood incision of valleys
- Strath terraces common along valleys all over the world
- Some strath terraces likely formed after the Flood
- Origin of most strath terraces unknown
- High strath terraces formed during channelized Flood runoff
- Meanders common
- Meanders in submarine canyons
- Meanders in water gaps
- The puzzle of entrenched meanders
- Rapid uplift and channelized Flood erosion may account for entrenched meanders
- Twenty to fifty times more water to carve the valleys
- Controversy over the amount of water
- Ice Age runoff and/or channelized Flood erosion?
- What caused the flat depression floor?
- Origin of poljes a puzzle
- Could channelized Flood erosion form poljes?
Part XIV - The Mystery of Pediments
- What is a pediment
- Pediments easy to recognize
- Pediments not confined to dry areas
- Remarkably flat and often capped by a veneer of rounded gravel
- Pediments can be sizeable
- Gentle slopes
- Multiple valley pediments
- Pediments beveled in granite and dipping sedimentary rocks
- Pediments common worldwide
- Pediments formed in the past by water
- But some geologists think pediments are forming today
- Others face up to the evidence of past formation
- Geomorphologists ever hopeful of finding a mechanism
- Crickmay's superflood hypothesis
- Two fatal problems for all uniformitarian hypotheses
- Far traveled exotic rocks
- Pediment passes and domes
- No viable uniformitarian hypothesis
- A pediment formation hypothesis
- Explanations for pediment variability
- Formation of pediment passes
- Mainly formed in Channelized Flow Phase of the Flood
- Why are pediments missing from some valleys?
- Summary
- Pediments point to a global Flood, not a local flood!
Chapter 68. Central Montana Pediments and Channelized Flood Runoff
[to be written]
Chapter 69. The Complicated Pediments in the Bozeman area.
[to be written]
Part XV - Submarine Canyons
- "Grand Canyons" perpendicular to the continental margin
- Submarine canyons common
- Two types of submarine canyons
- Amazing chasms
- Sometimes start in shallow water
- The length
- The depth of the canyon walls
- The volume
- Other amazing properties
- What is the similarities to rivers?
- Contrary observations
- Submarine canyons now older than the Ice Age
- Summary
- The Monterey Submarine Canyon
- The length
- Carved through a planation surface
- Tributary canyons
- How is Monterey Canyon related to coastal features?
- A meandering canyon
- Monterey Canyon indicates little movement of the western San Andreas fault zone
- The giant Monterey submarine fan
- Random submarine slides
- Submarine slides from river deposition
- Problems with this mechanism
- Example of the Eel River "delta" northern California
- Most deltas do not have submarine canyons
- The origin of submarine canyons unknown
- Canyons cut after continental margin sediments deposited
- Submarine canyons carved through forearc ridges and basins
- Rare buried submarine canyons show continental margin sediments deposited first
- Submarine canyons carved very late in the Flood
- How were the canyons carved late in the Flood?
- Focused deposition of a huge amount of debris followed by rapid sliding
- The example of the Var submarine slide
- Not related to the river, but to the valley
- The Var submarine slide (in-depth section)
Part XVI - The Conundrum of Water and Wind Gaps
- The erroneous definition of a water gap
- The problem of a hypothesis being part of a descriptive definition
- The definition is too narrow
- What is a wind gap?
- A major mystery
- The Snake River through Hells Canyon
- The Shoshone River water gap
- The Green River water gap through the Uinta Mountains
- Yakima River water gaps
- Miscellaneous other water gaps Rocky Mountains
- Unaweep Canyon wind gap
- Water gaps Canada
- Water gaps Alaska
- Water gaps northern Appalachians
- Water gaps central Appalachians
- Enigmatic water gaps southern Appalachians
- Aligned water gaps
- Multiple wind gaps
- Appalachian water and wind gaps a mystery
- Himalaya Mountains water gaps
- The anomalous Zagros Mountains water gaps
- Other Asian water gaps
- European water gaps
- Scandinavia and the United Kingdom
- Continental Europe
- African water gaps
- Australian water gaps
- Water gaps South America
- Summary of a remarkable geomorphological feature
Part XVII - Gaps in Uniformitarian Hypotheses
- Origin of the hypothesis
- Should apply to most mountains
- Many severe problems with the hypothesis
- Antecedence never had any evidence
- What is the superimposed stream hypothesis?
- The classic Appalachian Mountains explanation
- Southern England examples
- Little or no evidence for superimposition
- The "evidence" for stream piracy
- The origin of Grand Canyon by Stream Piracy?
- Equivocal evidence
- Little real evidence for stream piracy
- Did the river cut the gap?
- Water gaps only significant if the river could have easily gone around
- Researchers say little or no evidence
- Overspill hypothesis for the origin of Grand Canyon?
- Special, but unlikely, combinations of mechanisms (in-depth section)
Part XVIII - Late Flood Origin of Water and Wind Gaps
- Rapid cutting of water and wind gaps during Flood runoff
- Water and wind gaps are young landforms
- Did water gaps form after the Flood? [boxed]
- The Lake Bonneville Flood
- Ice Age lakes can overtop ridges
- Possible stream capture by the Atchafalaya River
- The Lake Missoula flood
- Palouse canyon water gap
- Devils Coulee wind gap
- Large floods carve downstream water and wind gaps
Part XIX - Summary and Implications
- Landforms explained by the Genesis flood
- The Flood was real
- Late Flood differential vertical tectonics and its geomorphological effects
- Planation surfaces and inselbergs caused by Flood runoff
- Channelized flow features follow sheet erosion
- But the global Flood was real
- Therefore, we can trust the whole Bible
- Lateral planation
- The sheetflooding hypothesis
- The weathering hypothesis
- Turbidity currents and debris flows
- The Grand Banks slide
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